Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Hell's Itch

I've had quite an eventful year so far. The most recent event being my short holiday to Magaluf, Mallorca. A co-worker of mine decided to go away for the summer, and the other girls in work thought, "Hey, about we go over for a few days to see her?" I haven't been abroad in around 9 years, so of course I agreed. The flights, hotels and the place itself seemed relatively cheap for a holiday, something I could definitely afford anyway.

So on the plane, the pilot announces the current temperature below as we near Palma; 32 degrees celsius. I can barely take England's "summer" heat, so 32 was incredibly high to me! Upon landing, the girls and I were so tired that we decided to have a rest by the pool.

To cut the story short, my incredibly sensitive, fair skin got burnt, despite the fact that I did in fact use sunblock (factor 30 I believe).

The sunburn alone was quite painful; it was difficult for me to sleep on my back, side or front comfortably, but I managed to get a few hours. I returned home a couple of days later, and was fine to work apart from the slight pain when I moved a certain way.

Unfortunately, this was not the end of the pain just yet.

On Sunday morning, I woke (with a slight hangover, I admit) and noticed the skin on my back was beginning to peel. I didn't touch it, because just days before my chest had been peeling and I stupidly pulled skin off, which made it incredibly dry and sore.

So there I was, Sunday morning, minding my own business when all of a sudden, my back started to itch. I scratched it, but it itched more and more. The itching was incredibly annoying, so I asked my mum to put some Aloe Vera cream on it. This only made it worse.

I genuinely cannot describe how bad the itching got from there. I screamed, I punched at the walls, I cried my eyes out and at one point I was in so much pain, my brother pointed out "you're dribbling all over yourself" without even realising I was doing it. Lovely.

Desperately, my mum and I searched the internet for some solution to this. I couldn't sit still for a moment and I had begun shaking terribly, the pain of the itch was so intense. We found many solutions - pure peppermint oil, diluted in either water or other, more mild oils ( none of which I could get hold of, it being a Sunday and all) calamine lotion (which, again, we had none and all the shops were closed) and even vinegar. We gave the vinegar a try, which in the first 30 seconds felt like a huge mistake because of the burning sensation. But the itch stopped, and I finally felt free.

For about 20 minutes.

The relentless itch had returned, and again I was crying on the floor, pacing about the house and helplessly begging my mum to help me. Mum found another site which recommended a lukewarm shower, no soap. I sat in the shower for around 40 minutes, relieved that the itch had again calmed down, but not enough for me to stay in there. I got out, and the itch flared up again. I considered spending the night in the shower, but my mum said we should try something else.

While I had been in the bathroom, she had soaked a towel and put it in the freezer. She took it out and put it on my back - the relief was amazing. The itch still bugged me now and again, but not even half as much as it was without the cold towel. However, the heat of my skin quickly warmed the towel and again I was in agony.

I decided to try a bath as a last resort - surely if a shower can calm the itch, a bath can? Nope. I screamed and trashed about, before shouting down to my mum that I had to see a doctor; the day was rapidly drawing to a close and I knew I wouldn't get any sleep this way.

My aunt came and picked me up to drive me to the nearest walk in centre. Unfortunately, it being a Sunday, the walk in services were no longer available. There was only one other option - A&E.

The drive was intense as I had left the towel at home, so there was nothing to cool my back. I was terrified I would accidentally somehow cause a crash with my involuntary jerks and twitches, but thankfully we got there in one piece.

I spent two and half hours in A&E. Normally, I don't mind waiting; I'm quite a patient patient (ha). But this was beyond unbearable. I felt I was about to begin tearing my skin off, ripping it with something sharp just to stop the itching. Luckily, I had brought a hooded jacket with me, so I ran into the toilets and soaked the entire back, wrapping it around my shoulders. The relief was immense, and I felt I could take the wait a little better.

I finally got called in to see a doctor, and I struggled to explain what was happening. I told him about the sunburn, then tried to describe the itch. It honestly felt like I was being bitten a thousand times over by millions of poisonous ants. So the doctor gave me pain killers and antihistamine tablets. I cannot express enough just how well those antihistamine tablets worked - I felt better almost immediately. I got home and crashed, exhausted from a day of thrashing about in agony.

If anyone is currently going through this and is shakily reading this post, I highly recommend antihistamine tablets - further research after my ordeal showed that we emit too much histamine which is what causes the unbearable itch, also known as Hell's Itch, Suicide Itch and many other names. Some say that hot showers do the trick, others recommend an ice cold shower. As far as I know, antihistamine tablets are the best solution for long-term relief - it's now Tuesday and I've never felt better.

If anyone else has any other solutions, feel free to comment below!

PS. and remember, always wear sunblock!


  1. Going through this right now. I've literally been begging my 13year old sister to knock me out because I can't take it anymore.

  2. It's awful, isn't it? Some people I've told about it think it's funny, but I really wouldn't wish this on even my worst enemy, it's unbearable! Hope you got rid of it fast!

  3. My son got this--48 hours after the sunburn. He woke me up at 2:30 in the morning extremely agitated, digging through the medicine cabinet for anything that might bring him relief. He tried hot showers, topical lidocaine, hydrocortisone cream--nothing helped. Finally he was just sitting on his bed screaming and twitching. Gave him some Zyrtec and some codeine he had left-over from breaking his leg. He's asleep now. Hope the relief lasts!

    1. I'm glad to hear he got some relief, the pain is very, very intense! Also anyone seeing this might have access to those medications and may be able to try them, so thank you for listing those :)

      I was the same, screaming and twitching - I dragged my back against rough surfaces as well to stop the itching but it just never ended, I felt like I wanted to tear my skin off it was so painful!

      I took antihistamines myself and they almost immediately did the trick, but it seems other medications may work too.

      Hope your son is well now, sorry for the late reply!

      If anyone else has had this experience or knows someone who has, feel free to comment on how they dealt with it!

    2. Putting vinegar in a spray-can and applying it on my itchy areas actually worked wonders for me. The pain got extremely intense for about 3 minutes then it dissapeared. I continue to apply vinegar every 2-3 hours and it keeps the itching bearable. Any sort of draft, aircondition and cold will make the itch flare up again. Try to keep your body warm without sweating.
      The worst thing you can do is using aloe vera creams and such.

      If you haven't tried Hells itch you can't possibly imagine the pain and discomfort, it's the worst form of torture I can imagine. I was in a car accident once, where my nose was split open and sewn together without anaesthetics, but that doesn't even come close - I didn't make a sound at that time, but hell's itch made me scream and squirm in pain.

    3. I tried vinegar too, it did give me some relief but not for too long unfortunately, glad to hear it worked for you though. Aloe Vera was definitely a mistake, although I wasn't aware of that at the time myself!

      It really is awful, isn't it? I tried to explain it to my mum and the doctor I went to see but I just couldn't word it right, I've never broken any bones or anything so I don't really have much to compare it to. Having your nose stitched without anaesthetics sounds extremely painful, so I'm sure from that people can understand just how bad this hell's itch is!

      Thanks for your comment, and for the tips - vinegar might work for other people too :)

    4. It seems people have different experiences with certain remedies. From what I can gather, vinegar only works for some, while hot showers work for most people. Antihistamines seem to work for most people too, but before rushing off to the ER or doing anything drastic, I'd recommend people at least give vinegar and a hot shower a try, if it works for you then great, if not I'd strongly recommend getting some medicine.

      I hope the advice posted here can help others with the same condition, I really wouldn't wish hell's itch on my worst enemy, and I can only imagine how terrible it must feel if people thought you were just overreacting - luckily my wonderful girlfriend took me seriously :)

    5. Thanks very much for your comment! Yeah that seems to be the case, the frozen towel worked for me as well. I think it's just a matter of trying different things and, if you can, get some antihistamines if a chemist is open. But if nothing else works, as you said it's best to see a doctor.

      I'm glad to hear your girlfriend took you seriously - my mum thought I was overreacting at first, and when I started explaining to people what happened they thought I was overreacting too. Seems like you have to go through this to understand how bad it is, but I too sincerely hope very few, if any, have to suffer through this!

  4. I just stumbled upon this and and so relieved that someone has gone through this before. Prior to researching I had no idea that "hell's itch" was a thing and spent the last 8 hours thinking I was actually becoming insane...I wouldn't wish this upon ANYONE.

    I found that peppermint oil diluted with water is relieving/soothing the pain (if you ever have to go through this disastrous event ever again) but I'm curious the antihistamine tablets...because the pain still isn't fully gone. Where did you get the tablets?

    Thanks for your post!

    1. Thanks for your comment :) I had no idea what it was myself, I was frantically googling "sunburn itch" "horrible sunburn itch" and so on trying to find out what was happening to me!

      I saw a lot of articles and comments saying peppermint oil was one of the best things to use, but I couldn't get hold of any at the time. But those antihistamine tablets were a godsend, I got given them when I was in A&E, but they're available in most pharmacies without prescription as far as I know.

      Hope you feel better soon, sorry for the late reply!

  5. Thank you for writing this! I've been dealing with it for about sixteen years. It doesn't matter how mild the sunburn is, and it only affects my chest. When it happened the first time I was on vacation with some friends, and the itch started right after I got out of the shower. Nothing I put on it helped, and I resorted to smacking my chest over and over. The only way to diminish it was taking about nine shots of tequila.

    Nobody has ever been able to understand how truly awful that sensation is. I was just absolutely crazed and suicidal both times, and I've never taken my shirt off in the sun since.

    1. Wow 16 years?! That's really unlucky, thankfully I've only had it the one time (and I hope to never get it again). I'd honestly spend every single sunny day indoors if the threat of getting this itch again was as high as it seems to be with you, I wouldn't be brave enough to go outside just in case! Have you seen a doctor about this? Maybe you have very sensitive skin on your chest? I know the skin on the top of my back is extremely sensitive due to VERY bad sunburn in 2007, which seems to have permanently damaged the skin, and it's also where my hell's itch occurred.

      Anyone I try to explain this to never seems to quite understand the pain that comes with this, and what's worse, no matter how much you scratch, there's no relief at all. It's like an itch under the skin, one that you can't quite get to, and it's unbearable. I'm grateful that I'm not the only one who went through this and there are other people that understand, but at the same time I'm not happy that anyone goes through this - I just hope they find this post helpful!

  6. Benedryl. Works in 20 minutes and the itch is totally gone. Take as the itch re-appears.

    I've been to the ER for Hell's Itch... Stood in the shower for hours, sprayed vinegar, rubbed peppermint oil and finally somebody told me it sounded like an allergic reaction adn that I should try Benedryl. Never go anywhere in the Summer without it.

    1. Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for your comment! I never thought to try Benedryl, summer is approaching fast so I should probably stock up on that and high factor sun cream, never want to experience this hell again!

    2. Hello, I'm Jim, Ive been going through exactly the same as you guys, since 2am, after my 4th hot shower, and 3rd piriteze tab, my itch has subsided about 90%, still nervous it's going to come back with avengence

  7. At least you folks are home I'm 14 stuck in Canada on a class trip all I can do is pace and cry. A little

    1. Oh no that sounds awful! Sorry for the late reply, did you get any help in the end? If you're with your school they should have been able to assist you in some way, I can't imagine how bad that must have been for you - I was lucky I had my mum with me!

    2. I'm going mad with this hell itch have not been to sleep been a wake all night now I'm of to work with this hell itch lets see how I cope I have not taking nothing I'm just going to man it lol I'm a steel erecter so I'm all ways in the sun never a gain will I expose my bare skin I'm all so 29 yers old

  8. I got this just right now and found your post. The itch is insane, i was rolling around on the carpet looking for relief, aloe vera made it worse, and i was seriously thinking to take my self to the Emergency Room. however i tried spraying vinegar on myself and it worked for me for a bit. Then i found out that supposably applying heat by using a hair dryer works. I did that and it killed the itch, i can feel it coming back so ill do it again in a bit. Thanks for making this blog!

    1. Thanks so much go your comment! I hope you're feeling better now, I know how unbearable this can be but if it gets so bad you feel like you want to tear your skin off, get yourself to a doctor - antihistamines should do the trick permanently if nothing else does, best of luck to you!

  9. Ive had THE ITCH once before and did end up in the emergency room. They couldn't do anything for me. It was the worst thing I've ever experienced. That was ten years ago. Four days ago I was severely sunburnt on upper thighs...the back of them. I'm SO dreading THE ITCH that is probably coming. I'm doing research on how to prevent it and what to do when it gets here. I think I'll try the peppermint oil. Praying to Jesus it doesn't actually happen! Will keep checking in. Thanks for this post!

    1. Thanks for your comment! I hope the itch doesn't come back for you either, its an awful experience. I tend to just avoid the sun now myself, I'm very pale anyway so it's probably good for me in more ways than one! Hope your sunburn has healed now :)

    2. Im going through this today it's the worst thing ever. I've broken a few bones none of that compares to this. I have put on calamine lotion on it its gone for now I just hope it won't come back =(

    3. Im going through this today it's the worst thing ever. I've broken a few bones none of that compares to this. I have put on calamine lotion on it its gone for now I just hope it won't come back =(

  10. How long does it last for? I've had it for over a week now. Everything I've tried is just a temporary fix nothing is getting rid of it.

    1. You've had it for a week? Everything I've read has said 12-72 hours?

  11. 100% Peppermint Oil WORKS!! My 15yr old son got "hells" itch this morning after getting a sunburn 2 days ago. After taking a shower he went lunatic crazy itching. I tried coconut oil and vinegar, neither helped, so I told him to take another shower. I decided to Google intense sunburn itch. In one article one man said hot scalding showers worked and another article said 100% peppermint oil. So I decided to combine the two. My son was done with 2nd shower and I told him to take another using the hottest water he could stand, he wasn't going to argue at this point obviously. When he got done with his 3rd shower, I rubbed the peppermint oil all over back and instantly he was calm. I had him put a dri fit shirt on to help his back from drying out. It's been a couple of hours and hasn't had a itch since. Don't use the peppermint extract, it's not the same.

  12. What works for me is to take 50 milligrams benadryl every 3 to 4 hours not to exceed 400 milligrams in the day for an adult dosage. Taking a hot shower as hot as I can stand and afterwards immediately apply peppermint oil after blotting skin dry. Also ibuprofen 400 milligrams every 6 hours not to exceed 1200 milligrams in 24 hours.
    Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor this is what works for me. This information should not be used as a substitute for professional medical help. Due to the complexity of living organisms I will not be held responsible for any adverse reactions.
    That being said I hope you find the information beneficial.

  13. I had the fire itch and tried several remedies from blogs, vinegar to aloe, and antihistamine. For me what worked the best was mentholatum. It's a cooling ointment people use for chest congestion. It might not work for everyone, but it sure worked for me.

  14. I went through Hells Itch last July, and after hours of agony and my mom not taking me seriously, I discovered what exactly it was that was happpening to me. The only thing that worked was peppermint oil and cold towel; I had tried benadryl, ibuprofen, hot and cold showers, vinegar, topical creams, aloe gel, anything and everything under the sun that we could find online.
    I got a sunburn again 2 days ago, went to take a shower today (a tragic mistake on my part, I knew I shouldn't have) and as soon as I got out, I yelled for my mom to grab the peppermint oil.
    It's not working as well this time, the itch comes and goes in little stabs on my shoulders and back, but it is certainly much better than it otherwise would have been... Hopefully I'll be able to lie down and nap until it's gone.
    Like many have said, this is not a pain I would wish on even my worst enemy.

  15. I went through Hells Itch last July, and after hours of agony and my mom not taking me seriously, I discovered what exactly it was that was happpening to me. The only thing that worked was peppermint oil and cold towel; I had tried benadryl, ibuprofen, hot and cold showers, vinegar, topical creams, aloe gel, anything and everything under the sun that we could find online.
    I got a sunburn again 2 days ago, went to take a shower today (a tragic mistake on my part, I knew I shouldn't have) and as soon as I got out, I yelled for my mom to grab the peppermint oil.
    It's not working as well this time, the itch comes and goes in little stabs on my shoulders and back, but it is certainly much better than it otherwise would have been... Hopefully I'll be able to lie down and nap until it's gone.
    Like many have said, this is not a pain I would wish on even my worst enemy.

  16. So I'm going through hell's itch right now and I figured out a solution I haven't seen anywhere else. It might sound strange but the answer to completely stop the itch is ceram/cling wrap. I have first aid training and one of the steps to treat 2nd degree burns is putting some kind of wrap on it to prevent air contact and so I thought "heck, nothing else is working so trying this can't hurt." So I had my wife wrap it tightly around my abdomen covering every inch of me that had the insatiable itch and it worked miracles! I was exhausted from trying to fix the itch other ways so I quickly fell asleep and took a 3 hour nap. I woke up and felt great so I took off the cling wrap and unfortunately the itch returned about 30 minutes after so I quickly had a new layer put on and it's still working fine. Now I'm just laying in bed with a cling wrap shirt on hoping to wait out this burn.

  17. Yup, going through it now. Friends must have thought I was crazy - then I looked it up and told them to do the same. It's the real deal. About to take my 3rd shower then go to Safeway to see if they have peppermint oil and return the anti-itch cream and aloe that made everything worse. Reading this blog post has been the best part of the past two hours, when it all started. I feel like you're all my friends. The only people who can relate.

  18. I've had this for going on three days i have tried everything. Nothing is helping all I've been able to do is take and bath and cry I've slept maybe 4 hours in the last 3 days I am miserable have been to the er gave me medicine it didn't help no one around takes me serious and I am so tired I've tried benadryl and steroids and the med from the docto . Baking soda bath oatmeal bath ivarest solarcane dermoplast spray benadryl cream anti biotic cream... I am going crazy and keep crying I'm so miserable

  19. This has happened to me twice and its the worse thing i have been through. I got HAPE and almost died and would prefer going through that again over hells itch. What i have found works for me is to take benedryl and wear a shirt to act as a second layer of skin. Avoid taking off your shirt and laying on carpet, leather, etc... don't bother with aloe or other medication. If you want to medicate getting some sleeping pills and knock your ass out.

  20. This has happened to me twice and its the worse thing i have been through. I got HAPE and almost died and would prefer going through that again over hells itch. What i have found works for me is to take benedryl and wear a shirt to act as a second layer of skin. Avoid taking off your shirt and laying on carpet, leather, etc... don't bother with aloe or other medication. If you want to medicate getting some sleeping pills and knock your ass out.

  21. So I'm 17 and I had this last year and it is the worst sensation I could possibly think of. When I got it last year I had no idea how to deal with it. I just got it 2 days ago and I found something that works miracles it's called Gabapentin and it's a prescription drug used to treat shingles. The reason we get hells itch is because our fair skin makes it easy for our nerves to be damaged. This medicine is used to numb nerve ending while they heal. But if you cannot get your hands on this I have another method. I know aloe Vera makes it so much worse but do your best to find aloe infused with vitamin E. There is also a liquid Benadryl that works as a histamine blocker. Run a cold shower bring both of these with you. Apply them all over the affected areas and you'll have relief for about 10 seconds before it gets 100 times worse then go under the cold water and wash it all off and stay there for 15 mins. Get out of the shower and the itch will come back but try your hardest not to itch it the itching only aggravates it. Put on a shirt and try to sit still even though it is near impossible. Make sure you drink plenty of water and also take vitamin supplements. I was able to get through this hells itch with only 2 outbreaks for about 30 mins and I just did what I said above. Best of luck to anyone with this and believe me that next time I'm never going outside without 70spf sunblock

  22. I need help I am going through this right now I am so uoset and freaking oit please help I have no benadrill

  23. I am currently in the midst of my second case of "Hell's Itch." I used A+D diaper rash ointment and it's helping make the itch more bearable. Hopefully others can benefit from that remedy as well. Good luck! I know how intensely agonizing this itch is from first-hand experience.

  24. I am having my second case. I am going to go get benedryl and some pepermint oil figuring I do not crash and die on the way. i just tried the boiling hot shower. Made the itch a little betterr but the pain of the shower was to much. and the itch is still there. Guys do not use ointment. It does not work. Last time this happened i actually told my mother i was contemplating suicide. she looked at me as though I was insane. People do not understand this itch.

  25. I've been taking hot showers all day and it worked for about 20 mins every time but then it kept coming back the last time i was in a bad way i punched the wall of the bathroom out of pain then got into the shower and gradually made it hotter and hotter until it became unbearable i got out i dried off and the itchiness came back imediately so i ran the hair dryer over my back on the itchy areas and then put on extra layers of clothes to keep in the heat and has been holding up well for a few hours now with very little itchiness.

  26. Tried Diaper rash ointment stopped the itching right away took an allergy and vitamin d tablet and got relief right away thank you so much. Zanna

  27. PURE PEPPERMINT OIL PERMANENTLY FIXES THIS! INSTANTLY! I do not understand human beings. I've been writing about this on the internet for 12 years. I, three of my brothers, my dad, and my nephew have all gone through this nightmare. The peppermint oil is a remedy referred to in a book about native American remedies that my dad found 40 years ago after his second bout with this. IT JUST WORKS! Notice how ALL of the others are , it worked for a while, it had to be re applied, etc.... don't bother with the rest, do what ever you have to do to get some pure peppermint oil and have someone rub it on your back, or if you can reach it do it your self. Do NOT dilute it with anything. BE careful not to touch face/eyes/mouth/etc... with hands after application. It should not normally be put directly on the skin but for this IT JUST WORKS!!! Notice the very clear comments of those who actually followed through- with the application of the undiluted peppermint oil, on this site and all of the others where i have commented or others who used it tell about it. Don't do the other stuff. Just do this. It will cease! Permanently. And then, keep a bottle on hand, just in case BUT try never to do that to yourself again because if it's happened once, we know, it can happen to you again.

  28. Going thru this & today marks the 6th week! Yes...you read that right...6 weeks! Went to Puerto Rico, didn't think about sun protection & went snorkeling for a solid 3 hrs. Had a blast with my son- but was painfully burned for a few days, then started noticing I was peeling quite fast. Decided to exfoliate whatever dead skin I had then after my back was clean from all the old skin, I experienced something I never thought possible. I've been up during the evening for a solid 4 weeks with little to no sleep. Sure, I'll catch 30 minutes here or at most 2-3 hrs there. But, when it starts acting up, it's fire like no other. I've tried apple cider vinegar, topical steroids, anti-itch ointments like Benadryl, Gold Bond, Eucerine lotion, Cortizone 10-plus, Aveeno Oatmeal bath (which eases a little bit but doesn't last long) Sarna lotion, Advil, Hot Baths which I later found out aggravated the area after 30-60 min. Everyone is different and for me I have very-very sensitive skin. I visited 1 Dr. 2 separate Dermatologists & a Burn Dr. and I will see another Dr. scheduled in a little over a week. Most of the time and till this day, I feel like I'm going insane! Other times, I find myself slamming my Back against the corner of the wall. Others, I can't stop scraping against something that's rough because the more I scratch, the deeper the itch! I'm praying, now that I purchased and used peppermint oil and Allegra 2 X's this day. It'll do the trick. Earlier today, it took most of the itch away along with a damp cold towel. BTW, I'm 6' & weigh 264lbs so I'm hoping it's at the end of severity. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

  29. I need to share my solution. I've been tru hell and back with this "issue". DO NOT shower. Try not to sweat. Stay calm in a/c (your car i.e.). And the solution for me is: lightly whip one o two egg whites (NOT the yolks). Apply it in the itching zones trying to cover very well the sunburned areas. Let it to dry in a cool fresh environment. Open a beer o an iced tea and relax for the first 5 minutes and then enjoy the healing. It took me more than 30 years to discover it, after trying expensive moisturizing creams, oily stuffs, honey, mud, starch, vinegar, even toothpaste, Jesus knows... In this pretty moment I'm near my Hell's Itch attack, but not so nervous. If it doesnt work for you, try xylocaine/lidocaine in spray (the same used in dental services). Hope you to heal soon. Stay in the shade and always use sunscreen 30+

    If you want to tip me, bitcoins accepted!! Hahahahahaha:


    Thank you in advance.

  30. I'm standing in a hot shower right now on my phone literally feeling the worse pain searching for help. I feel insane and my husband thinks I'm over reacting. I took anti histamine as I was reading this. Waiting for it to kick in. Hot water is slowly running out and I'm dreading it.

  31. Hi I have really bad sunburn all over my back and have been up for the past couple of hours with an insane itchy feeling. My backs been itchy on and off for the past 3 days and I got burnt 5 days ago. I have ibuprofen, paracetamol and sainsburies own version of piriton. None of these seem to help, basically took a safe amount of all 3 about 4 hours ago as I have been for the past couple of days. I have just took 2 of each and again nothing. The only thing that has seemed to soothe it and make it a bareable itch is to exfoliate very lightly by rubbing my fingers on the burnt skin and it’s peeled off - ALL of my back! I have been moisturising a lot since I got burnt and I think from reading up online, the histamine in the skin builds up underneath the skin that needs to shed. I have just rubbed all my back and going to leave it as this to try and go back to sleep as it’s now bareable. I have been putting up and ignoring the itch for the past two days but I was crying with the pain/uncomfortable ness of the itch. It’s been absolutely horrible. Just reading through these comments have kept my mind off it enough for it to feel so much better after I have taken all the skin off. Hope this may help someone who only has tablets and no pepper mint in the house

  32. I know this page is old but in case someone else finds this comment im going to write it. I'm in day 1 of the worst day ever, i have hells itch. The best cure that ive found so far is taking a compination of paracetamol, ibruprophen and benadryl. My little brother has also wrapped my clingfilm and the itching subsided enough for me to take a nap. I have just woken up and the itching has stopped for now. I'm going to get myself wrapped tighter so that i can sleep tonight maybe.

  33. I'm currently on day 2 of hells itch. Not as bad as it was yesterday mind but still annoying. I did find a short term relief when it was at its worse was a walm bath with a bottle n half of vinegar. Tried a hydrating lotion last night with cling film over which seemed to make it bearable.

  34. Update: Day 2 is no better. Have found a really hot shower today along with a benadryl pill n then applied pure (not mixed) peppermint oil is really helping at this moment in time. The hot shower will hurt at first, but increase the heat slowly. Peppermint oil will irritate it at first but it does subside. Hope this helps any1 in my current situation! Garry.

    1. DONT do pure peppermint oil after a shower. Gotta mix it. The itching has stopped for the minuite but i had to wash it off. It was horrendous.

  35. Also had this yesterday and I can honestly say was the worst feeling that I have ever encountered. I had mumps once and the pain I experienced was nowhere near this. It came on very unexpectedly yesterday morning around 8:30 am approx 72 hours after sun burn. The itching overcame me - words cannot really describe the feeling but it was the deepest most painful burning itch I have ever experienced and was so infuriating as nobody understood me and thought - like many people have said - that I was over reacting. The only thing that would calm it temporarily was extremely cold showers and this lasted for two hours. I couldn’t stand in the shower all day so took myself to Urgent Care where luckily I was the only one there and my wait wasn’t too long. The Dr gave me two shots in my backside - one was toradol which is a painkiller and the other was a shot of Benadryl. The intense itching subsided almost immediately. I was also prescribed prednisone and hydrocyzine which I am taking now for a week or so. Once I got home however around 30 minutes later the itch returned and I was beside myself - screaming in pain and writing around with nobody understanding. I was also very annoyed that the Dr hadn’t fixed the issue after spending so much time and money on treatment. After many cold showers again (around two hours) I am pleased to say that the pain subsided and I am not hells itch free for approx 24 hours. I still cannot believe the excruciating pain I went through and vow to never take my shirt off in the sun again!

  36. The only relief I have is finding out after 20 years of experiencing this is that there’s a name for it and I’m not alone. Thanks for the post and comments

  37. I used a shingles cream that worked immediately when nothing else did..not even antihistamines.

  38. This is it. I luckily tried this and it was like magic. Terry Naturally Herpetino Shingles Skincare Lotion - 3.5 oz (100 ml) - Gently Soothes & Softens Skin, Contains Propolis, Evening Primrose Oil & Vitamin E - Non-Irritating, Non-Greasy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079YKZ24L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ysamDb0G62RN9

  39. Terry Naturally Herpetino Shingles Skincare Lotion - 3.5 oz (100 ml) - Gently Soothes & Softens Skin, Contains Propolis, Evening Primrose Oil & Vitamin E - Non-Irritating, Non-Greasy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079YKZ24L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ysamDb0G62RN9
